Curriculum wing
Bumblebee-friendly Schools is made up of four different criteria called wings. In the Curriculum wing, the importance of bumblebees is taught within the context of the national curriculum.
How your school’s actions will help bumblebees
Bumblebees are beautiful, fascinating insects that play an important role in the natural world and our everyday lives. They influence the food we eat, the air we breathe and our economy. When students learn the value of bumblebees and other pollinators through discussions in the classroom, they will gain the knowledge required to make decisions that can have positive impacts for them.
Schools must complete the following actions to achieve the Curriculum wing.
Action: Deliver the Bumblebee Conservation Trust presentation in assembly to the whole school.
Guidance: Download the Bumblebee Conservation Trust Bumblebee-friendly Schools presentation and share with every year group during assembly.
Evidence: Provide information about how many students took part in the assemblies and when they took place.
Action: Use the Bumblebee Conservation Trust resources in lessons.
Guidance: Visit the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website and choose the Bumblebee-friendly Schools resources which best fit your lesson plans. Use our free resources with a minimum of two different classes. The resources can be used with any age group.
Evidence: Copies of a completed resource from two different classes.
Action: Provide an enrichment day themed around bumblebees.
Guidance: Make bumblebees the theme of an enrichment or eco day. Your imagination is your limit! Check out our website for inspiration and lots of free resources and ideas for activities.
Evidence: Copies of at least two completed bumblebee-themed activities. This could include photographs for non-paper-based activities.
Resource Library
Find out more
Click on each wing below for more guidance on how to complete actions and provide evidence to earn Bumblebee-friendly Schools accreditation.