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Monitoring wing

Bumblebee-friendly Schools is made up of four different criteria called wings. In the Monitoring wing, students develop skills that allows them to monitor and improve their bumblebee-friendly spaces.

A close-up of a microsope and a bumblebebee infographic.

How your school’s actions will help bumblebees

Monitoring is a vital part of conservation. If we don’t track our actions, it is impossible to know if they are making things better, worse, or having no impact at all. Using the information gathered, we can adapt our conservation work to ensure the best outcome for bumblebees.

Schools must complete the following actions to achieve the Monitoring wing.

The Bumblebee-friendly Schools Award features a bronze icon of a bumblebee flying towards a flower.

Action: Complete our ‘How to spot a bumblebee’ resource.

Guidance: This resource can be used in participating classrooms or with an eco/green group.

Evidence: Copies of two completed resources.

The Bumblebee-friendly Schools Award features a silver icon of a bumblebee flying towards a flower.

Action: Complete a bumblebee survey in your bumblebee-friendly area.

Guidance: Download our bumblebee survey form and use it to record any bumblebees in your bumblebee-friendly area. Surveys can be carried out by participating classes or by a designated group. Depending on the time of year and the types of plants you have, you may not see any bumblebees. It is still important to submit this data.

Evidence: Bumblebee survey data is submitted to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

The Bumblebee-friendly Schools Award features a gold icon of a bumblebee flying towards a flower.

Action: Carry out three bumblebee surveys, at least one month apart, and create a graph to show your results.

Guidance: Download our bumblebee survey form and use it to carry out at least three bumblebee surveys in your bumblebee-friendly area throughout the year. Bumblebee season runs from March to October, so choose three months from within this time frame. Depending on the time of year and the types of plants you have, you may not see any bumblebees. It is still important to submit this data.

Evidence: Bumblebee survey data is submitted to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

Resource Library

Find out more
A close-up of a Buff-tailed bumblebee in mid-flight with its long tongue sticking out.

How to spot a bumblebee

Help your students separate bumblebees from honeybees, wasps, and other flying insects.

Find out more
A woman holding a clipboard and recording the bumblebees seen on a BeeWalk.

Bumblebee survey form

A basic form to easily gather simple bumblebee data.

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Bumblebee on lid of pot ready to ID

Bumblebee survey results

Submit your bumblebee survey data here.

Find out more
A Buff-tailed bumblebee male feeding on a purple flower.

The Big 8 common UK bumblebeees

A free downloadable guide to our 8 most common bumblebee species.

Find out more
Side profile of rare bumblebee on yellow flower

How to identify common bumblebees video

A quick video to help you get started with bumblebee identification.

Find out more
A close-up of a Common carder bumblebee feeding on a purple flower.

'What's that bumblebee' free identification app

Get basic bumblebee identification help on your mobile or tablet, with a fun augmente relaity tool.