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Equal opportunities, Equality & Diversity

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust (the Trust), is committed to equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion and uses the following definitions for these terms:

Equality – we recognise that power is distributed unequally throughout our society, and we seek to see beyond that, to be an organisation that acknowledges imbalances, values knowledge, expertise and lived experience and creates conditions that redistribute power.
Equity – we recognise that different people face different barriers to reaching their full potential and we seek to provide the support needed to overcome these and allow people to reach equal outcomes.
Diversity – our organisation seeks to be formed by the widest possible range of lived experience, perspectives and insights enabling us all to be ourselves in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Inclusion – we want to foster a sense of belonging for all of our staff, volunteers and supporters; we respect, value and celebrate differences and welcome the contributions of everyone.

The Trust is committed to creating a culture that:
· Is open about the imbalance of power for many people and seeks to address this.
· Respects and values each other’s differences.
· Promotes and advances dignity, equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
· Encourages and supports individuals to develop and reach their true potential.

As part of our EEDI journey we are proud signatories of the Wildlife and Countryside Link Diversity and Anti-racism statement.