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Bee the change

Bee the Change is all about quick, simple ways you can make your local area more bumblebee-friendly.

It doesn’t matter if you live in the city or the countryside. If you have a garden, a flower pot – or no outdoor space at all!

5 simple ways you can Bee the Change

Bumblebees do an amazing job pollinating our crops and wildflowers. But as our towns and countryside change, there are fewer flowers to feed on, so bumblebees need a helping hand to survive.

These crucial pollinators are key to biodiversity and the production of many fruits and vegetables we enjoy. Yet, with fewer flowers to feed on and limited nesting spots, bumblebees are facing tough times and need our support.

The good news is that we can all do our bit to Bee the Change! In this short video we look at 5 simple ways you can help bumblebees at home or in your local community. Share with your friends and family to inspire them to get involved!

Gardening resources

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A garden border teeming with tall, brightly coloured bumblebee-friendly flowers.

Read our handy gardening guide

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Flowers next to a rock with painted words in the colour purple

Community planting guide

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Monthly planting guides

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Red and yellow tomatoes growing on a vine.

Grow your own fruit and vegetables

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A close-up of the purple flowers of chives.

Grow your own herbs

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An array of colourful wildflowers in a small garden

How to sow wildflower seeds

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Close-up of a Brown-banded carder bumblebee in the centre of a sunflower.

Go pesticide-free in your garden

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Garden pots and tools stacked against wall

Autumn/winter maintenance guide

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A Garden bumblebee feeding on a purple thistle.

Leave these five "weeds" to help feed bumblebees

Blogs and articles

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From new build to bumblebee haven in Devon

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Pollinator friendly flowers on a balcony

Growing pollinator-friendly flowers on my balcony

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A green roof on a terrace with flowering plants

Green roofs for bumblebees

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A field of wildflowers in a wildlife area.

Farm Wildlife – Six steps for success

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Convert your lawn into a meadow

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Feeding the bees in winter

All about bumblebee nests

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How to provide bumblebee nest sites

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Bumblebees attending to the eggs in a nest.

Look inside a bumblebee nest

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An illustration of a bumblebee nest in summer. A queen and workers are inside tending to the next batch of eggs.

Make space for bumblebee nests

Other ways you can Bee the Change

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A poster showing the Big 8 common UK bumblebees. Each bumblebee has a photo and a illustration of a bumblebee queen and bumblebee worker to be used for identification.

The Big 8: common UK bumblebees

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A hand holding up a mobile phone. On the screen is the 'Whats that bumblebee' app, which shows a picture of an animated bumblebee flying in a garden.

Get our free bumblebee ID app

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Variety of wildflowers within a community space

Bee the Change for businesses

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The front cover of our book, bumblebees an introduction

Visit our online shop

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Teemill bumblebee ID mug.

Browse our Teemill store

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