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Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) by Kate Jaconello

Business supporters

Associating your business with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust provides the perfect platform to promote your commitment to nature and the environment. You can add a new dimension to your brand image, engage and motivate staff and be recognised for helping to secure our natural habitats and preserve invaluable ecosystems.

A Buff-tailed bumblebee dusted in gold pollen and sitting in the petals of a light purple flower.

Why choose to support Bumblebee Conservation Trust?

We are the only charity in the UK leading the fight to stop further extinction of bumblebee species. Be part of the journey to protect bumblebees through supporting our education, conservation and science projects.

Here are three great reasons to work with us:

  • Healthy diets are important for kids and adults
  • It’s vital to protect our nature and our countryside
  • Bumblebees are super-cute, fuzzy little winged warriors

Our business membership packages

  • Business £250 + VAT per annum

    Members pack including:
    🐝       Use of our member logo
    🐝       Personalised annual certificate
    🐝       Regular e-newsletter updates
    🐝       E-Buzzword (membership magazine) and e-scientific newsletter ‘Bombus Review’

  • Business Plus £750 + VAT per annum

    Business members pack including:
    🐝       Use of our member logo
    🐝       Personalised annual certificate
    🐝       Regular e-newsletter updates
    🐝       E-Buzzword (membership magazine) and e-scientific newsletter ‘Bombus Review’

    🐝       Your support recognised on the Trust’s social media
    🐝       Your logo on our website with a direct backlink to your website

Other ways you can support us

Find out more
A Buff-tailed bumblebee feeding on the purple flowers of catmint.

Cause-related marketing

Do you want to boost your sales and support the work of the Trust? Become an affiliate and incentivise your customers to purchase a product or service by promoting that you will donate some of the proceeds to help bumblebees.

Find out more
Male red tailed bumblebee on knapweed


Are you planning a campaign, bespoke collaboration or considering becoming a project sponsor? We’d love to hear from you and explore how we can work together to create a ‘buzz’ for your target audience.

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Close-up of a Brown-banded carder bumblebee in the centre of a sunflower.

Charity of the Year

Supporting bumblebees as your Charity of the Year can help boost consumer trust and engagement. Whether you’re an employer or employee, there are numerous ways to raise awareness of bumblebees among both staff and customers.

Find out more
A Buff-tailed bumblebee feeding on the purple flowers of lavender.

Make a donation

The most efficient form of financial support is a donation towards our vital work. A charitable donation, not linked to any specific project or activity, enables us to use your donation where it is needed most.

A Tree bumblebee feeding on the white flower of brambles.

External platforms

Businesses can also donate and support us through external platforms. The Trust has signed up to the following: 1% for the planet, Benevity, Easy Fundraising, Give as you Live, Pennies, Savoo, and Work for Good.

Find out more
A man and woman having a conversation in a field of long grass and tall white wildflowers.

Consultancy & training

Our science and conservation specialists offer bespoke advice and support that will help you improve your understanding of bumblebees and how to manage your land for the benefit of bumblebees.

Case studies from our business supporters

  • Philip Trehern, Director at Ground Control

    Through our work on our clients’ estates, we recognised that the plight of wild pollinators is critical to the future of nature in the UK and we wanted to work with an organisation with whom we could play an active role in delivering environmental impact to increase the number of pollinators on our land.

    In 2021 Ground Control chose the Bumblebee Conservation Trust because we wanted to:

    • engage and educate us and our clients
    • use our existing skills to help them support bumblebees
    • co-create innovative ways to increase awareness of wild pollinators and their environments.

    Our partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust has developed over the years from one of initial sponsor to an active partnership where we support each other’s environmental aims and work together to educate and inspire the youngsters of today to be the nature custodians of the future.

    We recently joined forces when we went to Pinner Park School to raise awareness of biodiversity amongst the children. With the support of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, we helped the children plant native hedgerow, a micro-forest, fruit trees and a section of wildflower meadow.

    Through hands-on education of our Bumblebee Ambassadors, pollinator experts explained why these habitats were chosen and what they do to support bumblebees. The three habitats included:

    • Early flowering fruit trees, providing food for early emerging queens
    • Wildflower meadows, providing summertime food for worker bees
    • Native species planters, providing year-round food for bumblebees

    We hope that we will develop our partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust even further, so we can continue to create real impact and understanding around the future of biodiversity in the UK.

    Ground Control logo

  • Chris Chippendale, Chartered Landscape Architect

    My design involvement with Bumblebee Conservation Trust Chelsea Flower Show 2023 and 2024 has provided me with invaluable insights and perspective. My raised awareness through the Trusts research work has helped me reshape my design approach. I now see ‘what good looks like’ in the eyes of 24 bumblebee species, as well as a whole host of foraging wild pollinators they represent.

    I have literally taken home the guiding principles for my own garden as well as incorporated them within our client’s designs. Our individual small changes can really have a cumulative positive impact for these valuable species.

    Ground Control logo