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Photo: Leaf-cutter bee by Alison Scimia

Patchwork leaf-cutter bee

(Megachile centuncularis)

A leaf-cutter bee entering the hollow tubes of a solitary bee hotel.

Patchwork leaf-cutter bees are one of the most common solitary bee species seen in gardens. As their name suggests, the females cut pieces of leaves which they use to build nest cells for their young to develop in. They are fascinating bees to watch and will happily make use of solitary bee hotels that have been positioned in a sunny spot.

They are commonly found in a range of habitats, from coast to mainland, and are common in gardens and parks. They nest in existing holes or cavities, especially those in sunny south-facing locations. This includes natural cavities like bramble stems, dead wood and manmade structures like window frames, air-bricks and solitary bee hotels. They feed on many flowers including knapweed, thistles, brambles, burdocks and various legumes. The females tend to collect leaves from roses, willowherbs, birch trees, ash trees, horse chestnuts, lilacs and honeysuckles.

Seen from June to early September, these bees are common throughout much of the UK, especially across England and Wales. Records extend to Central and Highland regions of Scotland. There are few records from Ireland.

A female Patchwork leaf-cutter bee flying while holding a small leaf between its legs.

Credit: Jean Baird

Females are similar in size to honeybees, with light brown hair around the sides of the thorax and between the abdominal segments. Aside from their leaf-cutting and carrying behaviour, their most distinctive feature is a bright orange pollen brush on the underside of their abdomen. From overhead this can look like an orange halo around the abdomen.

Males are slimmer with more hair on their thoraxes and between their abdominal segments, so they have a fluffier appearance. They also lack the orange pollen brush under the abdomen and can be difficult to tell apart from other male solitary bees, especially other species of leaf-cutter bee. Over time their light brown hair can fade to silvery-white.

For more information about this species visit the Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society.