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Can you bust these seven bumblebee myths?

Every year, we receive hundreds of questions about bumblebees, such as how to identify a rare species and whether bumblebees die when they sting you. Would you like to understand more about how bumblebees fly? Or have you ever wondered where bumblebees evolved from? We have picked out some of our favourite myths and questions about bumblebees to help you understand more about their bee-utiful behaviours.

Bumblebee on yellow toadflax flower.

by Sinead Munro, Bumblebee Conservation Assistant

  • 1. All bumblebees have yellow and black stripes.


    Although most people picture a black and yellow striped creature when imagining a bumblebee, our furry friends can actually vary dramatically between species and caste.

    For example, the Tree bumblebee (below) has a gingery-brown thorax, a black abdomen and a white tail.

    Red-tailed bumblebee queens and workers have no yellow hair, but instead are mostly black with bright red tails (which fades to ginger) whereas males can be easily distinguished from females because of their yellow facial hair and yellow bands on the thorax.

    Lastly, beneath all its fuzzy hair, a bumblebee’s exoskeleton is actually completely black. It is only the hair that gives a bumblebee its colour. So you may spot a bumblebee’s exoskeletal ‘true colours’ between July-September when older looking bumblebees start to lose their hair.

  • 2. Bumblebees are important for producing honey.


    Only honeybees (right) produce honey for their colony to feed on over winter. Bumblebees don’t do this because only the queens hibernate while the rest of their nest (the workers, males, and old queen) all perish at the end of summer. Queen bumblebees feed heavily on nectar to store in fat reserves before going into hibernation.

  • 3. Bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly.


    This myth stems from a well-known story of some engineers who proved that bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly because their wings are too small for the size of their bodies. In reality, bumblebees fly in quite a complicated way with their four wings, they don’t just flap them up and down which probably would make it impossible for them to fly. In fact, they flap their wings front to back and simultaneously rotate them, like a figure-8, to create enough lift!

  • 4. Bumblebees can dislocate their wings.


    Another impressive thing bumblebees can do with their wings is dislocate them from their flight muscles and shiver them to warm themselves up. This is just one technique bumblebees use in order to keep warm because they are cold-blooded creatures so they cannot regulate their own body temperature.

  • 5. Bumblebees can sting.


    Only female bees (queens and workers) can sting, males cannot. Bumblebees are quite docile so they will only sting if they feel under threat. Unlike honeybees, they are not likely to die when they sting. Honeybees have barbed stingers which can get stuck in whatever they are stinging and gets pulled off as it flies away. Bumblebees have smooth stingers which allows them to fly away easily and eject less venom.

  • 6. Bumblebees are related to wasps.


    This happened about 130 million years ago when some types of wasp shifted from feeding their larvae insects to pollen, leading to the evolution of bees over millions of years. This happened around the same time as flowering plants started to evolve on a mass scale. Specifically, bumblebees evolved in the Himalayas around 25-40 million years ago where they were adapted to live at cooler temperatures and spread from Asia following a period of global cooling.

  • 7. Bumblebee populations are declining because of predators.


    This is not to say that like most animals, bumblebees don’t have a number of predators. Badgers occasionally dig up bumblebee nests to eat the stored pollen and larvae when their other food sources are scarce, birds such as robins and great blue tits will eat bumblebees, and wasps and flies take this a step further by lay eggs inside live bumblebees or their nests. Despite these immediate threats, bumblebees and their predators have co-existed alongside one another for thousands of years so this natural competition doesn’t threaten the wider bumblebee population. The biggest threat posed to bumblebees is human-caused habitat loss and pesticide exposure. The best thing we can do to help bumblebees is to plant a variety of bee-friendly flowers that bloom throughout the year. Take a look at our free Bee the Change resources for some gardening inspiration!

Cherry blossom by Bex Cartwright

Pollinators in sweet cherry orchards

A cherry blossom tree bloom

by Zeus Mateos Fierro

The full bloom of cherry blossoms is a beautiful and yet ephemeral event that lasts about three weeks (typically from mid-April to early May). Numerous blossoms are available to pollinators, but resources are scarce for them in orchards after the blossom period. Cherry orchards have evolved in the last decades from the traditional open orchards with large trees to modern protected orchards with a smaller but greater number of trees.

However, pollinators are still needed to pollinate cherry blossoms and underpin yields, particularly since most of the varieties are self-incompatible and cross-pollination is required. Consequently, growers are highly reliant on managed pollinators. For the last three years, I have been researching pollination and pest regulation in commercial sweet cherry orchards in the West Midlands for my PhD at the University of Worcester. I have investigated the enhancement of wild pollinating insects, including bees, hoverflies, and butterflies through wildflowers.

Newly created wildflower habitats, with native perennial plant species, were established in the alleyways between rows of cherry trees to increase sustainable and resilient pollination. This is the first time that such an approach has been investigated under protective cropping, and could involve important benefits for the sweet cherry industry. A key aim of my project was to investigate what pollinators visited cherry blossoms and how effective they were delivering pollination services. I also investigated what pollinating insects used the wildflowers after the blossom period until late September. The study was funded by the University of Worcester, Waitrose & Partners, and Berry Gardens, in partnership with the University of Reading and NIAB EMR.

As with many fruit crops, cherries are typically pollinated by the western honeybee (Apis mellifera), but increasingly buff-tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestrishave been used. Honeybee hives are hired and bumblebee nest boxes are bought, so that there are enough pollinators to support production. However, wild pollinators might be more efficient at pollinating cherry blossoms compared to managed pollinators. During our transect surveys in cherry orchards across the three-year study, we recorded a total of 19,738 pollinating insects, of which14,724 were recorded during the blossom period and 5,014 after. Managed pollinators were the most abundant with 6,502 honeybees, and 5,296 buff-tailed bumblebees recorded. Hoverflies were the most abundant wild pollinator guild, which accounted for 4,760 individuals, followed by 1,879 bumblebees, 1069 solitary bees, and 232 butterflies.

In total, 104 different pollinator species were recorded! This included one species of honeybee, ten bumblebee species, 33 species of solitary bee, 48 species of hoverfly, and 12 butterfly species. These figures show how reliant growers are on managed pollinators. However, despite the greater abundance of these, wild bumblebees (queens during the cherry blossom period) and solitary bees were more effective pollinating cherry blossoms, since they frequently contacted cherry stigmas and flew often between rows, enhancing cross-pollination.

Throughout my study, I found that wildflower strips increased the abundance and richness of pollinating insects, and therefore pollinator diversity, compared to unsown conventional alleyways. This led to an increase in fruit set. Although it takes time for benefits for growers to materialize, our approach has created a range of possibilities for growers to produce sweet cherries more sustainably. For example, wildflower habitats also provide resources to other beneficial insects (e.g. natural enemies), which can deliver pest regulation services throughout the growing season. The inclusion of wildflowers in the orchards also means the orchards can support pollinators throughout the year and not just during the cherry blossom period. The wildflower habitats are also an important tool for conservation, given that many pollinator species continue to decline.

Bombus gerstaeckeri by Denis Michez

Bumblebees of the World Blog Series… #9 Bombus gerstaeckeri

A bumblebee, Bombus gerstaeckeri, on a purple flower

by Denis Michez, Researcher at Université de Mons, Belgium.

September’s blog features a vulnerable European bumblebee species, Bombus gerstaeckeri, and comes from Denis Michez, a researcher at Université de Mons, Belgium, who studies global bee diversity and conservation.

Latin nameBombus gerstaeckeri

Common name/s: None

Colour pattern: Males and females ginger haired thorax that extends on to the top of the abdomen, the rest of which is black with a blonde/white tail (similar to Tree bumblebees, Bombus hypnorum)

Favoured flowers: Aconitums (eg. Monkshoods)

Global region: Palaearctic

Geographic distribution: Europe: Andorra, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine

Conservation status: Vulnerable (at European level)

Of all the bumblebees described globally, only three species are described as oligolectic (specialists), which means they have a strong preference for a particular food source. Two species: Bombus consobrinus and B. gerstaeckeri are specialists on plants from the genus Aconitum (Ranunculaceae), which includes Monkshoods, and also B. brodmannicus delmasi, one of the two subspecies belonging to the species B. brodmannicus, shows some degree of oligolectism on the genus Cerinthe (Boraginaceae).

Given their morphological similarity and their food specialisation on Aconitum, it has long been thought that B. consobrinus and B. gerstaeckeri should be two sister species or even two subspecies of the same species. However, the publication of the bumblebee evolutionary history demonstrated that these two species are not sisters. Fascinatingly, the evolutionary event of food specialization on Aconitum plants therefore took place twice, independently. The actual sister species of B. consobrinus and B. gerstaeckeri are B. koreanus  and B. supremus, respectively, two species with Asian distributions, which do not show the same specialisation.

Specialisation on plants with such deep flowers requires an extremely long proboscis (tongue).

Whereas B. consobrinus has a completely palearctic distribution from Norway to Japan, B. gerstaeckeri has a West-Palearctic distribution (Fig. 2) and mainly occurs in fragmented populations across mountainous regions. It is found in the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Carpathians and it is also present in the Caucasus. In the Ukrainian Pyrenees and Carpathians, populations are isolated and made up of a small number of individuals. Four observations in the Romanian Carpathians have also been recorded. When populations exist in isolation like this (Fig. 2), we sometimes find they become genetically distinct from each other over time, but in this case separate populations have remained broadly similar. They were however, more distinct than another more common species, the Garden bumblebee (B. hortorum), which is found across the same areas.

In the Alps and the Pyrenees, B. gerstaeckeri mainly visits the following Aconitum species: Anthora (A. anthora), Monkshood (A. napellus) and Wolf’s bane (A. lycoctonum). Several other food plants are occasionally visited by this species, such as Epilobium angustifolium or Delphinium dubium, probably for the nectar. It is not entirely clear why this specialisation has taken place, however it seems as though B. gerstaeckeri  is reliant on pollen from Aconitum plants for larval development, which could be down to the nutritional content of the pollen, but there is also the possibility that toxins within the plants affect this species’ pollen foraging choice.

Links to further information:

IUCN Redlist page

Natural History Museum species account

Natural History Museum Bombus – Bumblebees of the world homepage

IUCN Bumblebee Specialist Group



Cameron SA, Hines HM, Williams PH, 2007. A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 161-188.

Dellicour S., Michez D., Mardulyn P. 2015. Comparative phylogeography of five bumblebees: impact of range fragmentation, range size and diet specialisation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 926-939.

Delmas R, 1962. Notes zoogéographiques et systématiques sur les Bombidae. I. – Le Bombus brodmannicus Vogt des Alpes françaises. Annales de l’Abeille 5(3): 175-179.

Delmas R, 1976. Contribution à l’étude de la faune française des Bombidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.) 12: 247-290.

Konovalova I, 2007. The first record of the rare oligolectic bumblebee Bombus gerstaeckeri

Morawitz (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini) from Ukraine. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.) 43(4): 441-443.

Løken A, 1961. Bombus consobrinus Dahlbom, an oligolectic bumblebee (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Proceeding of the XIth Int. Congr. Ent. 1960 1: 598-603.

Løken A, 1973. Studies on Scandinavian Bumblebees (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift 20: 1-218.

Mahé G, 2008. Bourdons rares du Parc Naturel Régional du Queyras (Hautes-Alpes, France). OSMIA 2: 21-25.

Moczar M, 1953. Magyarország és a környezö területek dongóméheinek. (Bombus Latr.) rendszere és ökológiája, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum. Termézettudományi Múzeum évkönyve (Annales Historico-naturales. Musei Nationalis Hungarici). Annales Historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 4: 131-159.

Pittioni B, 1937. Bestäubung und Nektarraub beim Gelben Eisenhut (Aconitum vulparia Rchb). Aus der Heimat, Stuttgart 50: 209-213.

Ponchau O, Iserbyt S, Verhaeghe JC, Rasmont P, 2006. Is the caste-ratio of the oligolectic bumblebee Bombus gerstaeckeri Morawitz (Hymenoptera: Apidae) biased to queens? Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 42(2): 207-214.

Tkalců B, 1973. Taxonomie von Pyrobombus brodmannicus (VOGT) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombinae). Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 70 (4): 259-268.


Male Bombus brodmannicus by Pierre Rasmont

Bumblebees of the World Blog Series… #10 Bombus brodmannicus

A close up of a male bumblebee, Bombus brodmannicus

by Denis Michez, Researcher at Université de Mons, Belgium and contributor to the IUCN RedList assessment for several European bumblebee species.

This month Bumblebees of the World features Bombus brodmannicus, a poorly understood and endangered bumblebee species found in two fragmented populations separated by more than 2,500km!

Latin nameBombus brodmannicus

Common name/s: None

Colour patternQueens, workers and males have two pale whitish-grey bands on thorax, a broad whitish band at top of abdomen and red tail.

Favoured flowers: Eastern population visits a variety of flowers including clovers. Western sub-species specialises on Cerinthe, although will also visit other plants for nectar, particularly the males.

Global region: Palaearctic

Geographic distribution: Europe, France, Italy, Asia Turkey, Armenia

Conservation status: Endangered (at European level)

In the east B. brodmannicus can be found in north east Turkey and Armenia across the Caucasian mountains, where it can be quite locally abundant. In the West, the subspecies B. brodmannicus delmasi is restricted to high altitudes in the southern French Alps and a small number of nearby locations in Italy. The species is found on southern slopes of the southwestern Alps in subalpine and alpine zones supporting large patches of Cerinthe, its main food plant. The species is active very early in the morning and at sunset.

Last month we talked about how only three species of all bumblebees worldwide are considered as specialists on a particular food plant. Interestingly, the eastern population of B. brodmannicus, located in the Caucasian mountains is a generalist, while the remote subspecies found in certain valleys of the Western Alps (map above), B. brodmannicus delmasi is considered a specialist. This specialism was deduced from field observations reporting a marked preference of the subspecies for Cerinthe minor L. and Cerinthe glabra . Despite the species reliance on pollen from Cerinthe, it is also known to visit other plants such as Calamintha, Cerinthe , Epilobium, Scabiosa, Echium, Nepeta, Knautia and Stachys for nectar. This behavior is particularly relevant for males whose life-cycle is partly offset from the flowering Cerinthe.

The restricted distribution and food specialisation led to an assessment as Endangered in the IUCN Red List of European Bees. Because of its highly specialised foraging requirements and its already localised distribution in a small area of the Alps, the western population seems extremely vulnerable to warming from climate change. On the other hand, the eastern population is rather widespread in the Caucasian region with no apparent food specialisation. It is therefore much less vulnerable to climate change.

Links to further information

IUCN Redlist page

Atlas of European Bumblebees

Natural History Museum species account

Natural History Museum Bombus – Bumblebees of the world homepage

IUCN Bumblebee Specialist Group


Dellicour, S., De Jonghe, R., Roelants, D. and Michez, D. 2012. Oligolectisme de Bombus brodmannicus delmasi Tkalců (Hymenoptera, Apidae): observations et analyses. Osmia 5: 8-11.

Delmas, R. 1976. Contribution à l’étude de la faune française des Bombidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombidae). Annales de la société entomologique de France (N.S.) 12: 247-290.

Franzén, M. and Molander, M. 2012. How threatened are alpine environments? a cross taxonomic study. Biodiversity Conservation 21: 517-526.

Franzén, M. and Ockinger, E. 2011. Climate-driven changes in pollinator assemblages during the last 60 years in an Arctic mountain region in Northern Scandinavia. Journal of insect conservation 16: 227-238.

Goulson, D., Lye, G.C. and Darvil, B. 2008. Decline and conservation of bumble bees. Annual Review of Entomology 53: 11.1–11.18.

Iserbyt, S. and Rasmont, P. 2012. The effect of climatic variation on abundance and diversity of bumblebees: a ten years survey in a mountain hotspot. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 48(3-4): 261-273.

IUCN. 2015. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.1. Available at: (Accessed: 28 May 2015).

Rasmont, P. and Iserbyt, I. 2010-2012. Atlas of the European Bees: genus Bombus. STEP Project. Atlas Hymenoptera. Mons Available at:

Rasmont, P. and Iserbyt, S. 2012. The Bumblebees Scarcity Syndrome: Are heat waves leading to local extinctions of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus)? Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 48(3-4): 275-280.

Tkalcu, B. 1973. Taxonomie von Pyrobombus brodmannicus (Vogt) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Bombinae). Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca 70(4): 259-268.

Williams, P.H., Colla, S.R. and Xie, Z. 2009. Bumblebee vulnerability: common correlates of winners and losers across three continents. Conservation Biology 23: 931-940.

Resting bumblebee by Annie Ives

Should you take a bumblebee home?

A bumblebee resting on the ground.

 by Jack Reid, Outreach and Volunteering Officer at Bumblebee Conservation Trust

So, you kidnapped a bumblebee…

Each year, the Trust receives dozens of e-mails and phone calls from well-intentioned beenappers who have been out and about and found a tired-looking lone bumblebee that they’ve rescued and taken home with them to care for. In case you’ve been considering the practicalities of taking a bumblebee home, we have written up this useful guide to caring for your new friend, without taking it home!

Should I take a bumblebee home?

No! Bumblebees have their own homes.

At all times throughout the year, bumblebees have important jobs to be doing – whether it’s queens who are searching for a nest site or gathering pollen for their first clutch of workers; workers who are out, working hard to gather enough pollen and nectar to support their queens and siblings; or males who, despite their work ethic, are vital to ensuring there is a next generation of bumblebees.

For this reason, it’s very important to leave the bumblebees to what they’re supposed to be doing – they can’t support their nests if they can’t get back to them!

What should I feed bumblebees?

Bees need flowers!

Bumblebees are exceptional at identifying the nutrients and foods they need when they are foraging on flowering plants out in the wild. Our knowledge of bumblebee feeding habits is constantly evolving – but nobody knows what they need better than the bumblebees themselves. So we recommend that, rather than taking a tired-looking bumblebee home, you first consider whether they are in danger where they are, or if they’re simply resting!

For more information on if and when to move bumblebees, and when and what to feed them, please click here.

When should I release them?

The best time to leave your bumblebee alone was before you picked them up. The second best time is now!

Bumblebees navigate using landmarks, like buildings, or rocks, or trees. If they can’t find locations that they recognise, they may struggle to find their way back home to their nest when you release them.

If possible, bumblebees should be released near to where you found them. If not, placing them outside on or near to flowering plants is the next best option.

So what do I do if I find a tired bumblebee?

This is a great question – for information on what to do if you find a tired bumblebee, and when to feed, and/or possibly relocate them, please click here.

Red-tailed cuckoo bumblebee (Bombus rupestris) by Nick Owens

Bumblebees of the World Blog Series… #6 Bombus rupestris

A Red-tailed cuckoo bumblebee dusted in pollen and feeding from a pink flower.

by Darryl Cox, Senior Science & Policy Officer

Bumblebees of the world would not be complete without delving into the darker side of bumblebee life, and so this month features one of around thirty described parasitic cuckoo bumblebees, the Red-tailed cuckoo (Bombus rupestris).

Latin name: Bombus (formerly Psithyrus) rupestris

Common name/s: Red-tailed cuckoo, Hill cuckoo

Colour pattern: In Britain, females are black with red tails, similar to their host species, the Red-tailed bumblebee (B. lapidarius). However Red-tailed cuckoos are much sparser haired, lack pollen baskets, have large box shaped heads and distinctive black/blue wings. Some females have a faint yellow band which can be seen at the collar. Males can be variable, however usually have a faint yellow collar and bands across the midriff of the lower thorax and upper abdomen, with a red tail. Yellow-banded female forms are found in Asia.

Host species: Red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius), Bombus sichelii and likely other species from the subgenus Melanobombus

Favoured flowers: In spring – dandelions, comfrey, oxeye daisies. New females and males in summer – thistles ragwort, brambles and other garden plants like lavender.

Global region: Palaearctic, Oriental regions

Geographic distribution: Europe – Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom. Asia – Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tibet, China.

Conservation status: Least concern

For those that have not heard of cuckoo bumblebees before, they are a fascinating group of bumblebees which have evolved to take advantage of the hard-working nature of social bumblebees. Unlike social bumblebees, cuckoos have no workers of their own. Instead the cuckoo female invades the nest of a social species and either kills or enslaves the resident queen, before using the resident workers to collect food and help her raise her own brood.

In this case (in Britain), the Red-tailed cuckoo will emerge from hibernation between April and June, around six weeks after the first social Red-tailed bumblebee queens have emerged and started setting up their colonies. Timing is key in the world of the cuckoo bumblebees as they search out an established nest. They want to take over a nest which has grown strong enough to raise as many offspring as possible, without being too strong for the cuckoo female to gain control. Once she finds a nest, the cuckoo lies in wait and often digs down into the nest material whilst trying to remain unseen. It is thought she does this to try and take on the scent of the nest, and perhaps to wait for the ideal time to make her move. If the workers and their queen find her, they will attempt to kill her or at very least evict her from their territory. This is the fate for many cuckoo females and nests are often strewn with the carcases of failed usurpers. Nest-stealing behaviour is not limited to cuckoo species though, and many later emerging social queens will also attempt to take over nests of other bumblebees to gain an advantage.

Cuckoos, however, have evolved to be nest-stealing specialists, built for fighting, and once in a position to enter a nest with minimal challenge, they use this to their benefit. Harder exoskeletons, the segments of which fit tightly together (unlike social bumblebees which excrete wax from these points), more powerful mandibles, and a longer sting eventually prove too much for the founding queen, and if she is not killed off she may become subservient to her oppressor, acting in the same manner as her daughter workers.

The workers she leaves behind will continue to forage and provide for the nest, however they will be helping to rear the cuckoo’s brood. The new cuckoo queen keeps her recently acquired workforce in check with the use of pheromones and aggressive behaviour. Any remaining eggs and young larvae are promptly destroyed, although those that are close to adulthood are spared to join the workforce. Some of the original workforce may go rogue and start to lay their own unfertilised eggs, however the new overlord is able to test the eggs to check if they are smooth or ridged. All cuckoo eggs are ridged, which is a useful characteristic for the policing intruder. Any smooth eggs are swiftly devoured. Unlike their social counterparts which lay between 8 and 16 eggs per clutch, cuckoos can lay batches of up to 20-30 eggs at a time, which is important as they only have a limited period of time before their workforce dies off. These eggs are reared into new male and female cuckoos, which then leave the nest to find a mate, before the fertilised females go into hibernation. The cycle then repeats itself in the following season.

After learning about this bumblebee underworld, many people decide they do not like cuckoos and we are often asked if anything should be done to prevent them from invading bumblebee nests. Some people have even gone as far as to devise novel nesting boxes aimed at preventing cuckoos from entering. However, this is not necessary or advisable. It is important to remember that these social parasites are intrinsic parts of nature too and several species are now critically rare due to unrelated declines in their host species. Human-caused drivers of population declines like habitat loss, pesticide use, disease and climate change are the things we should focus on tackling, rather than these naturally evolved brood parasites. There is so much more to discover about these intriguing invaders, but maintaining healthy bumblebee populations by addressing those human-caused problems is key.

Links to further information:

IUCN Redlist page

Natural History Museum species account

Natural History Museum Bombus – Bumblebees of the world homepage

IUCN Bumblebee Specialist Group

Richard Comont’s RSPB Spotlight bumblebees (2017)


Many thanks to Paul Williams of the Natural History Museum, London, for his help and advice.

Male Bombus inexspectatus by Maurizio Cornalba

Bumblebees of the World Blog Series… #7 Bombus inexspectatus

A male Unexpected bumblebee, Bombus inexspectatus

by Darryl Cox, Senior Science & Policy Officer

July’s Bumblebees of the world blog features the endangered Bombus inexspectatus, literally an unexpected European bumblebee, first described by Tkalcu in 1963, which has been found to parasitize on the Red-shanked carder bee (Bombus ruderarius). This species is one of two bumblebees, outside of the typical cuckoo bumblebee group (discussed in last month’s blog) to have evolved a parasitic way of life.

Latin nameBombus inexspectatus

Common name/s: Unexpected bumblebee

Colour pattern: Males and females have two yellow bands on the thorax, a yellow band at the top of the abdomen and a red tail. The host species (Bombus ruderarius) mainly occurs with similar pattern to the British type (unbanded with a red tail), but can also have similar banding to the Unexpected bumblebee, although the back of the head is larger in B. inexspectatus than B. ruderarius in both males and females.

Host species: Red-shanked carder bee (Bombus ruderarius)

Favoured flowers: Females have been found on Clovers and Rampions, males on Knapweed and Thistles

Global region: Palaearctic

Geographic distribution: Europe – Alpine regions of France, Switzerland, Austria and Italy, and a disjunct population in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain.

Conservation status: Endangered

When Tkalcu first made his discovery of a new/overlooked European bumblebee species it prompted European bumblebee specialists to resample potential locations and look back in their own collections to reassess potential specimens. As a result, the original four records soon became eighty or so. Interestingly, the original records included two males and two supposed workers, which happen to be the only two workers ever found for this species. The status of these females as workers was called into question by Yarrow in 1970 who proposed that inexspectatus could potentially be a social parasite of the closely-related Red-shanked carder bee (B. ruderarius), which he always found in good numbers wherever inexspectatus was found. He argued that the workers were merely ‘runt’ females which were underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of the female specimens. Close examination of collected specimens revealed that unlike social bumblebees and similar to cuckoos, inexspectatus specimens do not appear to secrete wax from their abdominal segments, which is an essential part of colony building among the social bumblebees. Yarrow noted that none of the specimens he had seen had any evidence of pollen collecting, and that the structures on the legs associated with pollen collection seemed to have degenerated slightly in comparison with social bumblebees, although not to the same extent as the main cuckoo group (Psithyrus subgenus).

It was not until 2005, when Andreas Muller and colleagues stumbled upon a Bombus ruderarius nest in the Swiss Alps, that Yarrow’s suspicions were supported with the first and only evidence of parasitism by inexspectatus. The nest they found was close to completion with no stored nectar, eggs or larvae, a selection of empty cocoons from various generations of workers and four unhatched cocoons, which four ruderarius queens later emerged from. No founding queen/females of either species were found, however two ruderarius workers, two males and one new queen remained in the nest when it was found, as well as one fresh inexspectatus female. This indicated that both the social queen and the parasitic female were co-existing in the nest, which has been found when other cuckoo bumblebees invade nests, but often the social colony does not successfully produce new queens or produces fewer than normal. As this is the only nest that has been found to date – we do not know how common it is for the two species to co-exist or if the invading bees manage to completely take over nests in the same way that some other cuckoo bumblebees do. There are also larger questions about this species’ general ecology and life history still to be answered, for example, whether inexspectatus can invade the nests of other hosts, similar to the other known parasitic bumblebee species.

Links to further information:

IUCN Redlist page

Natural History Museum species account

Natural History Museum Bombus – Bumblebees of the world homepage

IUCN Bumblebee Specialist Group

Hines, H. M., and Cameron, S. A. (2010). The phylogenetic position of the bumble bee inquiline Bombus inexspectatus and implications for the evolution of social parasitism. Insectes Soc. 57, 379–383. doi: 10.1007/s00040-010-0094-1

Müller, Andreas. (2006). A scientific note on Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalců, 1963): Evidence for a social parasitic mode of life. Apidologie. 37. 408-409. 10.1051/apido:2006005.

Yarrow I.H.H. (1970) Is Bombus inexspectatus (Tkalců) a workerless obligate parasite? Insectes Soc. 17, 95–112


Many thanks to Maurizio Cornalba of the University of Pavia, Italy, and Paul Williams of the Natural History Museum, London, for their help and advice.

Bombus eximius by Chawatat Thanoosing

Bumblebees of the World Blog Series… #8 Bombus eximius

The Orange-legged bumblebee, Bombus-eximius

By Chawatat Thanoosing, PhD student and Paul Williams, researcher at the Natural History Museum London

This month we’ll explore a deep montane tropical forest in Asia, where Chawatat Thanoosing— a PhD student at Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum—is doing his research on the ecology of tropical bumblebees, to see the remarkable giant bumblebee, Bombus eximius.

Latin name: Bombus eximius

Common name/s: Orange-legged bumblebee

Colour pattern: Whole body mainly black with brightly orange tail and legs in all castes.

Favoured flowers: Mid altitude flowering shrubs and trees, and wild orchids

Global region: Oriental region

Geographic distribution: Asia: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and Taiwan

Conservation status: Not evaluated

The impressive Bombus eximius is a broadly distributed Asian bumblebee, found across the Himalayas, Southern China, Taiwan island and in the mountain ranges of northern Southeast Asia, at mid altitude, from approximately 1000 m above sea level. Unlike common bumblebees in Europe (eg. B. terrestris), which show black and yellow striped patterns on their abdomen, B. eximius is often a predominantly black bumblebee with orange on their tail and legs, although sometimes the populations in Southern China and Taiwan have extensively orange abdomens as well.. This orange-colouring across the legs is in congruence with the original subgeneric group that this species was attributed to, Rufipedibombus, which means red-legged bumblebees, although it is now included as part of Melanobombus, distantly related to the European B. lapidarius.

Queens of B. eximius are some of the largest bumblebees in the world. The body length of the queen is approximately 3 cm long, similar in size to the Patagonian bumblebee, B. dahlbomii, in South America. Strangely, those big bumblebees show almost the opposite colour pattern between them. They have an orange thorax and abdomen with black legs, whereas B. eximius often has a a black body and orange legs. The two species have evolved independently in different lineages and different geographic regions.

The food preference of B. eximius has rarely been studied. In Thailand, this species has been reported visiting and pollinating some native orchids: Dendrobium infundibulum and Cymbidium insigne. Care is needed when identifying these bees because B. eximius is mimicked very closely by B. flavescens, a relative of B. pratorum. When B. eximius lands on an orchid flower, pollinia (a sticky orchid pollen mass) will either attach to its thorax (in D. infundibulum flowers) or abdomen (in C. insigne flowers). The cross-pollination of the orchids occurs when the bumblebee with attached pollinia visits another orchid flower. In addition, at Doi Inthanon mountain, the highest peak in northern Thailand, B. eximius has been observed to visit Hooker’s St. John’s Worts (Hypericum hookerianum), Som Pae (local Thai name for Vaccinium exaristatum), Rubus chevalieri and Saurauia napaulensis for food.

The IUCN conservation status of this bumblebee has not yet been assessed. This species still flies and hides in the shady forests of the mountains. Despite extreme deforestation, land use changes and heavy pesticide use in this region, no one knows whether the population of this bumblebee is decreasing or not. From the obvious changes in the environment, raising awareness and protecting bumblebees in this region are likely to be urgently needed.

Links to further information:

Natural History Museum species account

Natural History Museum Bombus – Bumblebees of the world homepage

Williams, P. H., Ito, M., Matsumura, T., & Kudo, I. (2010) The bumblebees of the Nepal Himalaya (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insecta Matsumurana. 66, 115­–151

Williams, P. H., Tang, Y., Yao, J., & Cameron, S. (2009) The bumblebees of Sichuan (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini). Systematics and Biodiversity. 7, 101–190

Kjellsson, G., Rasmussen, F. N. & Dupuy, D. (1985) Pollination of Dendrobium infundibulum, Cymbidium insigne (Orchidaceae) and Rhododendron lyi (Ericaceae) by Bombus eximius (Apidae) in Thailand: A Possible Case of Floral Mimicry. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 1, 289–302