Skills for bees: Cymru
The beautiful landscapes of Wales are home to many different native bumblebee species, including some of our rarest and most threatened species. Inspiring individuals to record bumblebees in their communities and increase urgently needed data is critical to their survival.

Credit: Photo: Shrill carder bumblebee (Bombus sylvarum) by Pieter Haringsma
Out of the 24 bumblebee species found in the UK, 23 species are found in Wales, including some of our rarest species such as the Shrill carder bee (Bombus sylvarum). Sadly, we have many areas of Wales with very few bumblebee records and some species have not been recorded here for many years. We urgently need more data to discover how Wales’ bumblebees are doing in response to environmental pressures such as climate change and habitat loss.
Skills for Bees: Cymru aims to increase our knowledge and understanding of Welsh bumblebee populations. Across Wales, staff are delivering identification and survey sessions and training and mentoring recorders to participate in our flagship BeeWalk scheme in partnership with both organisations and individuals.
Our aim is to develop a skilled community of bumblebee recorders and Beewalkers who will make a significant contribution to the understanding of bumblebees in Wales by providing the data which is essential for their future conservation.

Further information
For more information on the project, please email / Os hoffech wybod mwy, yna mae croeso i chi gysylltu â